What is the Speed of Sound
The distance depends on the speed of sound in air. V s Speed of Sound knots T temperature Kelvin Speed of Sound at a known temperature and density of air Speed of Sound vs Density of Air Effect of temperature on properties of air. Imp Speed Of Sound Speed Of Sound Bulk Modulus Shock Wave The distance travelled per unit time by a sound wave travelling in an elastic medium is known as the speed of sound. . The speed of sound in dry air is 331 meters per second. The speed of sound in a given medium depends on the elasticity and. The speed of sound is dependent on the. γ Ratio of. Speed of sound in Km per hour - 1235 Kmph. The formula of the speed of sound formula is expressed as. The speed of sound depends on several variables but the only independent variable we need to calculate the speed of sound is the temperature of the air. For back of the envelope calculations. While this speed may seem fast by human s...